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The ICINO Model Canvas of a University

ICINO Model Canvas

Zhao Xiahui developed the ICINO Model Canvas to provide a comprehensive understanding of a CINO in the global innovation ecosystem. This model consists of 10 modules as follows:

The Case Study of ICINO Model Canvas

Here’s an example of how the ICINO Model Canvas can be applied in a university setting.

Title: Analyzing the three main responsibilities of the Chief Innovation Officer at Columbia Business School. Designer: Zhao Xiahui Date: 3th July, 2022 Version: V1.0

  1. Who
    • Build the leader of competitive strength in business school teaching methods, curriculum design, and technological application innovation development.
    • Business School Innovation Ecosystem Architecture Designer.
    • Business School Innovator of Cultural Change.
    • Business school Innovation Pioneer.
    • Business School Innovation Method Researcher.
    • Business School Innovation Mentor.
    • Business School Innovation Investment and Financing Consultant.
  2. Benchmarks
    • ISO56002.
    • World Business School Rankings.
    • Chief Innovation Officer of the world’s top schools.
    • ICINO Model Canvas.
  3. Customers
    • Dean of Business School and the leadership team of the school.
    • The CINO management team.
    • Each department of the Business School, teachers and students from all faculties on campus.
    • External education and training institutions, education technology companies, education investment funds.
    • Educational Policy Research Institution.
  4. Key Responsibilities
    • Business School Innovation Culture Cultivation: Reforming Educational Thinking, Constructing an Environment for Cognitive and Practical Innovation in Education.
    • Business School Innovation Strategy Planning: Identifying future business talent needs, planning an innovative development. strategy with business school courses, teaching, and technological innovation as the core tasks.
    • Business School Innovation Management System Construction: Organizational Structure, Policy System, Processes, Tools.
    • Business School Innovation Management Team Building: Establish a Business School Chief Innovation Officer Management Team, as well as a team that collaborates on innovation both within and outside the school.
    • Construction of innovation capability system in business schools; Full-scale innovation training, innovative teaching practice and innovation performance evaluation in business schools.
    • Innovative curriculum, new teaching methods, new technology opportunities identification.
    • Incubation investment application business school new courses, new teaching, and new technology tools.
    • Construction of the Innovation Ecosystem in the Business School: The innovation ecosystem aims to support the realization of the innovation strategy, bringing together innovation resources (faculty, students, alumni, enterprises, funds, policies), developing the strengths and characteristics of faculty, students, and alumni, and promoting the development of the innovation ecosystem network at Columbia Business School.
  5. Requirements
    • Advanced Innovation Professional Degree, Advanced Education Professional Degree.
    • Senior business school innovation project management experience.
    • Has experience in advanced innovation project management in cross-industry fields such as education, business, technology, and consulting.
    • Has the qualifications and experience related to the innovation fund.
    • Obtain the Chief Innovation Officer career training and assessment certification.
  6. Innovation Processes
    • Strategic Innovation Process: Establishing the role of Chief Innovation Officer in business schools, creating a blueprint for innovation strategy.
    • Innovation management process: Establish an innovation management system for business schools, standardize the business execution and supervision of the chief innovation officer management team.
    • Organizational innovation process: The organizational structure for innovation participation of the elements of the business school’s innovation ecosystem.
    • Human Resources Innovation Process: Introducing strategic emerging talents at the level of Chief Innovation Officer.
    • Technological innovation process: cutting-edge technology integrated into teaching, such as ChatGPT.
    • Product Innovation Process: Developing new courses, new teaching tools and equipment.
    • Process Innovation Process: Implemented around the strategic goals of business school teaching, curriculum, and technology application innovation, it shifts from the traditional top-down administrative command-style, template-copying curriculum reform process to an autonomous, market-oriented, student-centered teaching and curriculum reform process.
    • Innovation investment process: cutting-edge innovation research, transformation of innovative achievements, and the entire process of innovation and entrepreneurship from idea to commercialization.
  7. Innovation Resources
    • National/Regional Education Innovation Policy: Support for the cultivation, practice, employment, and entrepreneurship of innovative talents in business education.
    • Business School Innovation Management System: The business school values innovation, sets up the position of Chief Innovation Officer, and provides an innovation performance incentive system.
    • Chief Innovation Officer Team: A professional innovation management talent team supports sustainable innovation development.
    • Business Innovation Experimental Base and Equipment: Business Industry-University-Research Innovation Experimental Base, Business Education Science Laboratory, Business Teaching Science and Technology Software and Hardware.
    • Business Innovation Consultant: Education Innovation Expert, Business Education Expert, Industry Experts, Scientists, Financial Sector Experts, Education Policy Think Tank, etc.
    • Alumni Resource Network: Columbia Business School Alumni Resource Network.
  8. Innovation OKRs
    • Overall goal: To build a world-class business school teaching, curriculum and technological innovation capability system.
    • ICINO AI Abot Membership Required

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  9. Development
    • School-level Chief Innovation Officer
    • Innovation Academy Dean
    • Vice Principal of Innovation Education
    • International Innovation Professional Degree Program
    • ICINO LAB Global Business School Innovation Consultant
  10. Revenue Structure
    • Salary, performance reward, annual bonus, welfare.
    • School and industry, national and international business education innovation management honorary qualification.
    • Business education innovation management professional skills, experience, achievements.
    • International and domestic business education innovation professional resources (information, talent, projects, market, funds, policy).

The CINO of Columbia Business School

We recommend an interview with the CINO of Columbia Business School. Click the picture to access the video.

Video source: Youtube.

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